Mission Statement
The mission of the Shawnee County Audit-Finance Department is to provide financial stability to Shawnee County government under the administrative direction of the Board of County Commissioners, by managing all financial functions and statutory responsibilities in a responsible, cost-effective and professional manner using sound financial management and accepted governmental accounting practices.
Purchasing Policy
HR-2021-2: A Resolution Establishing Purchasing Procedures Involving the Expenditure of County Funds
For a list of Debarred Vendors, please click HERE.
HR-2003-13: A Resolution Relating to the Disposition of Obsolete, Surplus, Unused, or Unneeded Personal Property of Shawnee County
The Audit-Finance Department is responsible for tracking cash and making investments when idle funds are available. Once idle funds are identified, Audit-Finance contacts eligible local banking institutions for bids. The bids are logged and the institution with the best bid receives the funds for investment. These funds are invested in secured Certificates of Deposits or Treasury Bills. The investment amount and term are determined by using a “calendar project” spreadsheet which projects future revenues and expenses based on known data and predictions of future activity. The majority of the funds are invested with maturity dates that correspond to dates for distributions, bond payments or allocations. This provides for a maximum investment term.